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Annuaire d'études françaises 2014. Т. 46: La vie de la cour en France de Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIV / Annual of French Studies 2014, volume 1 : The Court Life in France from Charlemagne till Louis XIV (2014)

   The new volume of the Annual of French Studies is devoted to the court life in France from the Middle Ages till the 17th century. Recently this topic becomes more and more relevant for the European historiography. It appears many monographs on the courts of the Ancien Régime epoch, especially of brilliant courts of the Grand Siècle. But medieval courts have been hardly known till nowadays. Authors of the Annual of French Studies concern with the origins and evolution of the French royal court, its composition and its peculiarities during the various periods of history. They study also several aspects of the Burundian court life. This volume contains articles of historians from Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as their colleagues from Paris and Lyon.
