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Annuaire d'études françaises 1959-...
Authors list
Editorial board
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Togoeva Olga
Dr. Hab. (History), Chief Researcher, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Французский ежегодник 2024. Т. 57: К 150-летию академика Е. В. Тарле (2024)
Как Эммануэль Ле Руа Ладюри не стал микроисториком
- 300–314
Французский ежегодник 2024. Т. 57: К 150-летию академика Е. В. Тарле (2024)
Эпопея Жанны д’Арк глазами историка права (О новой книге Клод Говар)
- 396–407
Annual of French Studies 2019. Т. 52: The era of Napoleon and her memory (2019)
Napoleon Bonaparte and his Joan of Arc
- 284–299
Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation (2018)
The Hundred Years War in the French demonology's reflection of the XVth century
- 22–39
Annuaire d'études françaises 2014. Т. 46: La vie de la cour en France de Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIV / Annual of French Studies 2014, volume 1 : The Court Life in France from Charlemagne till Louis XIV (2014)
Joan of Arc and the Court of King Charles VII. The Story of Betrayal of the Virgin Through the Eyes of Contemporaries and Descendants
- 92–114
Annuaire d'études françaises 2008. Т. 40: l’Angleterre et la France, voisins et concurrents / Annual of French Studies 2008 : England and France, Neighbors and Rivals (2008)
Вольтер, Жанна д’Арк и осел. К истории одного мотива
- 25–46