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The Image of Philip the Good in the Perception of the Burgundian Court Chroniclers

Aseynov Renat

   This paper deals with the image of the duke of Burgundy Philip the Good in the Burgundian court literature of the second half of the XVth century. The duke is represented as an ideal prince. The author zooms in on those qualities of Philip the Good that could help to clarify the chroniclers` political position and affiliation with certain political groups at the court of Burgundy. In their treaties, Burgundian authors compared Philip the Good with his son Charles the Bold. Constant wars under the new ruler and the final disaster led to the idealization of Philip the Good who had all the virtues peculiar to a perfect prince. However, he was not without vices. The mention of his vices was caused by the authors` intentions (conservation of the post, justification of their own activity in government, etc.) or by the diplomatic and political experience. The Burgundian authors` perception of Philip the Good permits to emphasize the most important moments of the official propaganda (the duke as single protector of the Church, his moral superiority over other princes, generosity, wealth and luxury of the court) that aimed at strengthening the duke`s position within his state and among European monarchs.

Keywords: medieval history, France, Burgundy, court culture, Philip the Good.
Link: Aseynov R. The Image of Philip the Good in the Perception of the Burgundian Court Chroniclers // Annuaire d'études françaises 2014. Т. 46: La vie de la cour en France de Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIV / Annual of French Studies 2014, volume 1 : The Court Life in France from Charlemagne till Louis XIV.М. P. 115-150.