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Grievous Reflections on the Vasily Balakin’s Books «Henry IV» and «Catherine de Medici»

Shishkin Vladimir

   The Petersburg researcher V. Shishkin publishes a critical review of the recent books by the Moscow historian V. Balakin «Henry IV» and «Catherine de Medicis», appeared in the series Life of Remarkable People of the publishing house Molodaya Gvardiya. According to the reviewer, the author of these monographs dupes his readers presenting them the purely mythological image of the eminent historical actors and tells a tale that has never taken place in reality. 

Keywords: history of the Early modern period, historiography, the French wars of religion, Henry IV, Catherine de Medici.
Link: Shishkin V. Grievous Reflections on the Vasily Balakin’s Books «Henry IV» and «Catherine de Medici» // Annuaire d'études françaises 2014. Т. 46: La vie de la cour en France de Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIV / Annual of French Studies 2014, volume 1 : The Court Life in France from Charlemagne till Louis XIV.М. P. 361-369.