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On the Portrait of Albert Manfred

Poghosyan Varoujean

   The publication concerns to the scientific activity of emminent soviet historian Albert Manfred (1906—1976), the leader of French studies in former Soviet Union in 1960—1970’s. The author published two documents that he had found in the personal archives of Manfred. The first of them is his reference on the books of Boris Porshnev and Guennadi Kucherenko on Jean Meslier, which had been advanced in 1971 to award the prestigious Prize of Volguine of the Academy of Sciences of USSR. The second document is the reference of Manfred on the thesis of Kucherenko on the influence of the ideas of Saint-Simon on the French public thought in XIX century. 

Keywords: historiography, studies on French social ideas, A. Manfred, B. Porshnev, G. Kucherenko.
Link: Poghosyan V. On the Portrait of Albert Manfred // Annuaire d'études françaises 2014. Т. 46: La vie de la cour en France de Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIV / Annual of French Studies 2014, volume 1 : The Court Life in France from Charlemagne till Louis XIV.М. P. 306-313.