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Annuaire d'études françaises 1959-...
Authors list
Editorial board
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Forrest Alan
Professor, State Academic University of Humanities (Moscow), professor emeritus of York University.
Annual of French Studies 2023. Т. 56: War and Society (2023)
Between war and peace: the uncertain fate of Napoleonic prisoners of war
- 222–247
Annual of French Studies 2021. Т. 54: Epidemics in the history of France (2021)
Survive the epidemic: the experience of the Great Marseille Plague of 1720
- 43–62
Annual of French Studies 2020. Т. 53: Wars and Revolutions in Modern Times (2020)
Defining the «traditional» and the «modern» in the Eighteenth-Century World
- 5–35
Annual of French Studies 2019. Т. 52: The era of Napoleon and her memory (2019)
Military occupation and cross-border encounters in the Napoleonic wars
- 21–41
Annuaire d'études françaises 2013. Т. 45: "La campagne russe" de Napoléon : événements, images, mémoire / Annual of French Studies 2013, The Russian campaign of Napoleon : events, images, memory (2013)
The Russian campaign of 1812 and formation of Napoleonic legend
- 224–246
Annuaire d'études françaises 2013. Т. 45: "La campagne russe" de Napoléon : événements, images, mémoire / Annual of French Studies 2013, The Russian campaign of Napoleon : events, images, memory (2013)
The interpretations of Napoleonic wars in national historiographical traditions («round table»)
- 300–343
Annuaire d'études françaises 2012. Т. 44: Bicentenaire de la Guerre patriotique de 1812 / Annual of French Studies 2012 : Bicentenary of the Patriotic War in 1812 (2012)
A Honorable Adversary or Vicious Barbarian? The Perception of the Enemy in the Age of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
- 206–222
Annuaire d'études françaises 2008. Т. 40: l’Angleterre et la France, voisins et concurrents / Annual of French Studies 2008 : England and France, Neighbors and Rivals (2008)
Английская революция в исторической памяти революционной Франции XVIII в. Перевод с англ. Е.А. Прусской
- 156–171