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The problem of "banditry" of the Directory Period in Modern French Historiography

Mitrofanov Andrei

Contemporary French historiography of the Revolution of the 18th century is closely connected with the achievements of historians from other countries. Nevertheless, many factors contribute to the fact that it is French scholars that have regained their pre-eminent position. Today, the concept of popular anti-revolution, developed since the 1980s by C. Lucas, R. Dupuy and J.-C. Martin acquired a special significance for the French national memory and actualizes a new appeal to the topic of «banditry» («brigandage»). This category at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries was very vague. The «bandits» of the era of the Directory and Napoleon were all those who committed crimes against the state and were «outside the law» (rebels, political opposition, robbers, etc.). The author of the article analyzes the correspondent historiographic situation at the current moment. The particular attention is paid to the generalizing works of V. Sottocasa, Y. Bosс and M. Belissa. The author shows that a turn in French studies of these subjects is just planned: it is necessary also to develop a new categorical apparatus, move from the study of discourse and the legal side of this issue to historical anthropology and erase the chronological barriers of the topic.

Keywords: French Revolution, banditry, anti-revolution, popular protest, V. Sottokasa, Y. Bosc, M. Belissa, S. Clay
Link: Mitrofanov A. The problem of "banditry" of the Directory Period in Modern French Historiography // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 356-370.

The research was carried out at the State Academic University of Humanities: project No. FZNF 2022-0002 "Popular movements in defense of traditional values from the French revolutionary expansion in Western Europe and Russia of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries", implemented on the results of the selection of scientific projects done by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the EISI.


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