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The Soldiers of Bonaparte and the Women of Orient

Tchoudinov Alexander

The relationship of Bonaparte's soldiers in Egypt with local women is an evident example of the clash of orientalist ideas of Europeans with the socio-cultural realities of the East. European orientalist authors have created a myth about the hypersexuality of Oriental women, who, for its free manifestation, allegedly look forward to being freed from the prohibitions that exist in the Islamic culture of everyday life. However, upon arrival in the East, the French discovered that local women, especially Muslim ones, did not seek to overcome the barrier of socio-cultural taboos that separated them from foreigners and, moreover, served as protection from their sexual aggression. Then the French, using the right of the winner, began to break through the “gaps” in the protective “wall” that the traditional values of Islamic culture created for the Egyptian women. The history of the relationship between Bonaparte's soldiers and the Oriental women is permeated with violence, various manifestations of which were the capture of former Mamluk concubines, the active use of the institution of slavery banned in France, the executions of prostitutes, rape in villages, the “expropriation” of girls and women in Cairo. However, not content with these “gaps” punched in the socio-cultural barrier, the French tried to completely destroy it through “emancipation”, which was expressed in the fact that Egyptian women who found themselves in sexual slavery with the occupiers were forced to imitate French women in their behavior: dress the same way, drink wine, smoke, flirt with men, etc. Due to the short-term nature of such a cross-cultural “experiment”, it did not have a significant impact on Egyptian society in general, nevertheless it cost the lives of some of its forced participants.

Keywords: gender history, military-historical anthropology, France, Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Egyptian campaign 1798-1801
Link: Tchoudinov A. The Soldiers of Bonaparte and the Women of Orient // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 63-97.

The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 20-18-00113.


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