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The end of the French intellectuals? Interview with Christophe Prochasson and François Dosse

Petushkova Daria

The author offers the readers an interview with two French intellectual historians Christophe Prochasson and François Dosse with regard to the transformation of the figure of French intellectual and his role in modern democratic society. The social and political reasons of his passage from subject to the object of historical research alongside the methodological trends regarding the history of intellectuals are also taken into consideration. Ch. Prochasson explains why dissolution of so called «total» intellectual is a product of democratization of the intellectual field and means a guarantee of freedom. In P. Ricoeur’s terms F. Dosse underlines a critical function of the intellectual and his social responsibility.

Keywords: intellectuals, France, intellectual history, historiography, methodology
Link: Petushkova D. The end of the French intellectuals? Interview with Christophe Prochasson and François Dosse // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 425-436.