This article addresses the account of the last major raid of the Crimean khanate’s troops on the Russian provinces supplied by the memoirs of the French Consul in Bakhchisarai, Baron François de Tott. This book was published 15 years after the mentioned event and a year after the unification of the Crimea with Russia. A comparison with the reports which the Baron sent to the French foreign office shows that his memoirs was primarily aimed to entertain the public by telling a story of the adventures of a brave and witty European in exotic countries. However, the diplomat managed to gather collect quite a lot of factual information, often hidden behind descriptions of the hardships of the winter campaign. De Tott idealized Khan Krym-Girei, creating an image of barbarian, but a sympathetic one, who liked lofty conversations, harsh and hot-tempered, but fair and erudite person. The Frenchman described cruel and efficient tactics of the raid, original methods of the forming of the Crimean army, providing it with provisions and forage, maintaining discipline in the campaign, devastation of hostile territories, and distribution of trophies. He contrasted the Tatar (Nogai) army to the Turkish cavalry (sipahi), who were described as greedy, cruel, and unfit for the severe conditions of winter campaign. De Tott’s images of the Tatars probably contained some features of stereotypical descriptions of the northern barbarians, characteristic of the accounts of classical and Byzantine writers concerning the Scythians, Huns, etc.
This work was financially supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, megagrant project № 075-15-2022-1119.
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