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Islam in the French Revolution. On the Book of Ian Coller

Prusskaya Evgeniya

The questions of relationship of Islam and France, of integration of Muslims into French society have produced an abundant scholarship by historians, political researchers, and sociologists due to its relevance. The new book by Ian Coller is dedicated to the history of the attitude towards Islam and Muslims, to its politicization and use in the period of the French Revolution. This perceptive provides a fresh look at the very revolutionary ideas and changes that took place in France and to the Revolution itself. The book is about the history of people and about the history of ideas in their inevitable relationship. It shows how for a short period during French Revolution emerged an opportunity for building another relationship between Europeans and Muslims rather than a confrontation. During the revolution, Muslims received all political and civil rights, but after Thermidor and with the Napoleon Bonaparte’s coming to power, the politics towards Islam and Muslims was completely changed.

Keywords: French Revolution, Islam, colonialism
Link: Prusskaya E. Islam in the French Revolution. On the Book of Ian Coller // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 400-408.

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