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“He could conquer Paris…” (The Italian Historians on Souvorov’s Campaign of 1799)

Bolt Valentina

The essay is dedicated to the newest collective monograph about the campaign of Alexander Suvorov to the Apennines in 1799 written by Italian historians. This edition, published under the editorship of M.G. Talalai, includes texts by contemporary Italian specialists in regional history. Even though these studies are based mainly on published sources and their authors almost do not turn to archival materials, there is a lot of useful information for Russian military specialists. By this publication, its initiator and editor-in-chief M.G. Talalai seeks to acquaint the Russian audience with the views of modern Italian historians on Suvorov and his campaign of 1799, as well as with the reflection of those events in the historical memory of Italians today.

Keywords: Italian historiography, A.V. Suvorov, Italian campaign of 1799
Link: Bolt V. “He could conquer Paris…” (The Italian Historians on Souvorov’s Campaign of 1799) // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 379-388.

The research was carried out at the State Academic University of Humanities: project No. FZNF 2022-0002 "Popular movements in defense of traditional values from the French revolutionary expansion in Western Europe and Russia of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries", implemented on the results of the selection of scientific projects done by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the EISI.


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