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On the Gender Approach to the Study of the Napoleonic Wars

Gladyshev Andrey

The article is devoted to the review of the modern historiography of the Napoleonic Wars, in particular, those works that consider various aspects of women's participation in these wars. On the one hand, there are a lot of works devoted to women who served in the armies as soldiers or sutlers, accompanied the troops as wives, mistresses, prostitutes. The women accompanying the army could combine different functions in one person, so it is hardly worth talking about the functional “stability of groups”. On the other hand, there are numerous works devoted to the study of various phenomena related to women (travesty, mutual violence of military and civilian, the development of charity, the evolution of the understanding of citizenship and patriotism, women's perception of military conflicts, historical memory of national heroines, etc.). The variety of issues and research methods, the formation of new approaches, the active international cooperation of scientists demonstrate to the successful development of a gender approach in the military-historical anthropology of the Napoleonic Wars.

Keywords: Napoleonic Wars, historiography, gender approach, military-historical anthropology
Link: Gladyshev A. On the Gender Approach to the Study of the Napoleonic Wars // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 264-285.

The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 20-18-00113.


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