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The French in Poland: a case in the village Ezhondzy (July 1813)

Bolt Valentina

The author of the article examines an incident that happened in the village of Ezhondzy of the Duchy of Warsaw in the summer of 1813. Napoleon's Great Army retreated from the borders of the Russian Empire, and the Polish territory gradually came under Russian control. Civilians who were in a zone contested by two opponents were faced with the need to make a choice and fulfill the demands of one of them. The ethnic composition of these lands has traditionally been heterogeneous, and often national cultural stereotypes have become a decisive argument in choosing one side or another. Therefore, when several Polish villagers detained French military couriers, they could not agree among themselves on what to do with them next, and this subsequently led to sad consequences for all participants of this conflict.

Keywords: Napoleonic Wars, Duchy of Warsaw, national stereotypes
Link: Bolt V. The French in Poland: a case in the village Ezhondzy (July 1813) // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 138-147.

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