The article is devoted to a review of the modern American and British historiography of the Occupation of France, 1815-1818. The main focus is on the works published in the last thirty years by historians from the United States, Great Britain, as well as Canada and Australia. It is noted that the initial interest of researchers in the study of the occupation lay in the field of traditional military history. Subsequently, the thematic and methodological field of research was significantly expanded: historians turned to the analysis of international relations, the economic consequences of the Napoleonic wars, the mutual perception of combatants and civilians, a change in ideas about the essence and purpose of the occupation. This process was accompanied by the expansion of the source base for research. All this allows us to speak about a combination of classical approaches and new turns in the study of this phenomenon: the military history of the army is considered in the context of the history of everyday life, the history of consciousness, etc. Despite this, it is too early to talk about a comprehensive study of the problem. The occupation of France by the allied forces was subjected to a comprehensive analysis mainly in the works of American historians T.D. Veve and Ch. Haynes. At the same time, some issues still need in-depth study. In particular, the specifics of the organization of the occupation in various departments of France, the relationship and mutual perception of the occupiers and the occupied at different levels require more detailed consideration. In addition, the analysis of a number of sources is still of considerable research interest.
The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 20-18-00113.
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