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The maze of mirrors of the French invasion in Egypt. On book by E. Prusskaya

Kobishchanov Taras

The presented essay is a review of the monograph of Evgenia A. Prusskaya entitled The French Invasion of Egypt in 1798–1801: Mutual Perception of Two Civilizations. During the Napoleon’s campaign this mutual perception was determined by the dissimilarity of French and Egyptian world view, different ways of thinking, multifarious cultural traditions and preset stereotypes, which, in their turn, were extended over the system of colonial subjection of the Eastern society to the more powerful Western one. This book allows us to get a closer look at the transformation of the image of the Other as is was reflected in the mutual perception of the representatives of two civilizations.

Keywords: the French Invasion in Egypt, the image of the Other, Napoleon Bonaparte
Link: Kobishchanov T. The maze of mirrors of the French invasion in Egypt. On book by E. Prusskaya // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 487-493.