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Leisure practices of the French in the occupied Cairo 1798–1801

Prusskaya Evgeniya

The article is dedicated to the different leisure practices of the French in the occupied Cairo. The alien culture of the Arab-Muslim world made the French to feel a longing for Europe, and therefore they tried to reproduce their habitual cultural environment and forms of leisure in Egypt, that was a natural reaction to the meeting with the oriental "Other". There were published newspapers and books; theater performances, musical evenings and balls were organized for the members of the expedition. Convinced of their high level of the civilization development, disregard for the "oriental people" and a profound difference in a worldview between the representatives of two cultures determined the desire to imitate the French way of life on the eastern land.

Keywords: French expedition to Egypt (1798–1801), leisure practices, occupation
Link: Prusskaya E. Leisure practices of the French in the occupied Cairo 1798–1801 // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 93-102.