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The «French» Berezina and Europe (the last battle of 1812 in memory of Europeans)

Postnikova Alyona

   The European version of events on Berezina started arising in November, 1812. For the soldiers of the Great army who have engaged despite current situation, this event became a symbol of a moral victory. The image of Berezina which has entered into national historiographies of the countries, taken part in battle, was created at the end of the XIX century. XX century, marked by world wars, buried battle on Berezina in temporary «oblivion». However at the end of the century Swiss, Polish, and French images of Berezina revived again and not only in cultural, but also in communicative memory, as a symbol of absolute obstacles and even the tragedy.

Keywords: history, the battle on Berezina, historical memory,Russian campaign of 1812, Great army, political discourse.
Link: Postnikova A. The «French» Berezina and Europe (the last battle of 1812 in memory of Europeans) // Annuaire d'études françaises 2013. Т. 45: "La campagne russe" de Napoléon : événements, images, mémoire / Annual of French Studies 2013, The Russian campaign of Napoleon : events, images, memory.М. P. 289-299.