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Victor Moiseevitch Dalin in the perception of his student

Arzakanian Marina

The article is devoted to the image of the famous Soviet historian-francologist Viktor Moiseevich Dalin (1902–1985), drawn by his former student Varuzhan Aramazdovich Poghosyan in a book about his teacher. V. A. Poghosyan's work describes in detail the life path, the character and the multifaceted scientific creativity of V. M. Dalin. The author of the study describes «three lives» that, in fact, his teacher lived. The first was marked by the formation of V. M. Dalin as a Marxist historian in the post-revolutionary Soviet Russia. The researcher spent his «second life» of 17 years in GULAG camps. The «third life» of V.M. Dalin, which began after his release in 1955 and rehabilitation, passed within the walls of the Institute of World History of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. During this extremely fruitful period of his work, the historian studied the life and works of Gracchus Babeuf, the historiography of the French Revolution, and the history of the socialist movement in France. He devoted a significant part of his time to discussions with Soviet and foreign colleagues in the profession, conducting active correspondence with them and publishing reviews of their works. It is also impossible to overestimate the contribution of V. M. Dalin in the publication of the Annuaire d’études françaises, in the work of the French group at the Institute of World History and the professional training of his students.

Keywords: V. M. Dalin, V.A. Poghosyan, historiography, France, French Revolution, Marxism, Annuaire d’études françaises
Link: Arzakanian M. Victor Moiseevitch Dalin in the perception of his student // Annual of French Studies 2023. Т. 56: War and Society.М. P. 423-432.

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