Analyzing the new monograph by Professor of Saratov University A.V. Gladyshev Little fly in the web. The world seen by a feminist of the XIX century (Moscow, 2021), the author of the essay tries to trace the motives of the ideological choice of an individual by the example of its main character, the saint-simonist and feminist Suzanne Voilquin. He suggests that such a choice made by Voilquin did not so much meet her individual preferences as it was a forced escape from a personal tragedy, and the principles borrowed by her from the saint-simonists were a kind of compensation for her unsuccessfulness in ordinary life. As soon as she had an opportunity to rise above her social position, Suzanne easily ignored these principles in practice, although she continued to fervently defend them in words. This was especially evident during her travels to Egypt and Russia, when, filled as an "enlightened Frenchwoman" with a sense of superiority over local barbarians, she allowed herself some actions that did not correspond to the ideas of equality and social justice which she did not stop declaring.
The study is realized in the State Academic University for the Humanities within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project FZNF–2023–0003 Traditions and values of society: mechanisms of formation and transformation in the context of global history).
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