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The Legacy of Alfred Cobban

Pilbeam Pamela

The author of the article, the former student of Professor Alfred Cobban, analyses his legacy. What, according to her opinion, may be considered as such. First, his research and published writing, especially on the discussion issues on the French Revolution history, which inspired a lasting interest in the history of France in universities and the wider world. The stimulating, questioning approach of his writing and his constant quoting of detailed research encouraged young scholars to question established views and interrogate the past. He was totally committed to his teaching and writing. He inspired and educated a numerous and above all genuinely altruistic community of scholars, who have had a marked impact on how the history of France is understood and whose own students now teach in universities in Britain, Canada, USA, Japan etc. In the 1950s and 60s French history was regarded as a prime area to be studied in Britain, Australia and North America especially. The 1789 liberal tradition seemed vitally important in a world that had suffered two world wars and horrific social and political collapse. The French experience seemed to offer a tiny bit of hope for humanity. Cobban reflected that belief and he committed himself to reinforcing it.

Keywords: Alfred Cobban, historiography, the French Revolution, Enlightenment
Link: Pilbeam P. The Legacy of Alfred Cobban // Annual of French Studies 2023. Т. 56: War and Society.М. P. 380-397.

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