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Massa Christiana of Branda Lucioni. Two centuries of Black Legend

Mitrofanov Andrei

In 1799, anti-French popular uprisings broke out everywhere in the Italian states. They developed independently of each other and did not overcome the borders of states. One example of such movements is the actions of the Christian army (Massa cristiana) under the command of Branda Lucioni in Lombardy and Piedmont. For a long time, historians and writers talked about these events based on the work of Carlo Botta «History of Italy» (1824). In this regard, the scientific discourse was dominated by negative assessments, which can be characterized as a «black legend». The Christian army was accused of robbery, violence and massacres of the Republicans. Only in recent decades, in connection with the transformations in the public consciousness of Italy and methodological innovations in science, historians continued to search for new sources and came to completely opposite conclusions. At the turn of the 20th-21th centuries such historians as M. Albera, O. Sanguinetti, M. Viglione, interpret this movement as an anti-French and anti-revolutionary peasant uprising, similar to the movement of the sanfedists in the Kingdom of Naples and uprisings in other regions of Italy. Massa Cristiana was first formed on the border of Lombardy and Piedmont in April 1799 by a retired Austrian major, Branda Lucioni, and had a local character. In fact, it was a people's militia (milizia armata). Branda coordinated his actions with the actions of the regular units of the Austrian army under the command of J. F. Vukassovich. After the liberation from the French and the expulsion of the «giacobini» in one district or another, the armed peasants dispersed, and a new group gathered in the neighboring province. Therefore, it is impossible to establish the exact size of these armed groups. The core of this «army» numbered from 500 to 1000 people. The author analyzes a wide range of published sources, historiography and comes to the conclusion that a new appeal to the Russian archival funds relating to the period of the Italian campaign of A.V. Suvorov, will allow answering a number of topical questions.

Keywords: historiography, French Revolution, Italy, counter-revolution, Le Insorgenze, Branda Lucioni, Massa Cristiana
Link: Mitrofanov A. Massa Christiana of Branda Lucioni. Two centuries of Black Legend // Annual of French Studies 2023. Т. 56: War and Society.М. P. 116-140.

The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 23–18–00011 (


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