The editors of the Annual of French Studies and the professional community of Russian historians of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire congratulate Alan Forrest, an outstanding British researcher who has had a significant impact on the studies in this field in present-day Russia, on his 75th anniversary. The author of this essay discusses how Alan Forrest established and developed friendly and professional contacts with Russian researchers, with special emphasis on his three-year work as the head of the Laboratory of Western European and Mediterranean Studies at the State Academic University of Humanities, Moscow. These years left noticeable mark on the history of Russian research on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire since almost all the representatives of the “new Russian school” of the said topic were then “Forrest’s pupils.” The researcher’s significant contribution to the development of the Russian scholarship gives our colleagues every reason to consider him the most “Russian” of British historians.
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Forrest A. The Revolution in provincial France: Aquitaine, 1789-1799. Oxford, 1996.
Forrest A. The soldiers of the French revolution. Durham (N.C.), 1990.
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