The article is devoted to the history of the appearance of the French engraving, made by the Parisian engraver Edmond Bovinet in 1814. The engraving depicts a medal, which shows in profile portraits of three Russian cultural figures of the early 19th century: the main medalist of the Imperial Mint, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts K.A. Leberekht, art theorist, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Major General A.A. Pisarev and the famous Russian sculptor, professor and rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts I.P. Martos. The author of the article reveals the history of personal and professional relationships of the heroes depicted in the engraving, showing it in the context of the life of the capital's cultural elite of the era of the Napoleonic wars. Based on information from the epistolary and publicistic heritage of A.A. Pisareva, she reconstructs the events of the Russian army's overseas campaigns in 1814, during which the investigated image was created. As a result, it was shown that the main customer of the engraving was Major General Pisarev, who was in Paris in the spring of 1814, the idea of the engraving was prepared by him together with Martos and Leberecht, and the image itself was, apparently, conceived as a kind of French souvenir from the defeated Paris.
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