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Napoleon’s «Рolice Empire» as a legacy of the French Revolution: the view of J.-O. Boudon

Mitrofanov Andrei

The author deliberates the new book of Jacques-Olivier Boudon «L’Empire des polices. Comment Napoléon faisait régner l’ordre» (2017). Managed the order Budon's research includes an analysis of the institutions of the police and gendarmerie, their social composition, number, methods of combating crime and popular protest, desertion, and political conspiracies. Particular attention is paid to the role of Napoleon himself and his ministers in the process of creating the "New Order". Boudon comes to the conclusion that in his policy the emperor continued to implement what had been planned back in the era of the Directory, and the social problems themselves, generated by the situation in the 1790s, which the authorities had to deal with, changed quantitatively, not qualitatively. The effectiveness of law enforcement agencies was also different in different regions (in the territory of the French departments and in the new territories annexed).

Keywords: police, gendarmerie, Consulat, First Empire, French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, J. Fouché, R. Savary, J.-O. Boudon
Link: Mitrofanov A. Napoleon’s «Рolice Empire» as a legacy of the French Revolution: the view of J.-O. Boudon // Annual of French Studies 2021. Т. 54: Epidemics in the history of France.М. P. 290-302.

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