The purpose of the article is to study the cholera epidemic in Paris in 1832 which became not only a tragedy for thousands of Parisians, but also a real shock for the regime of King Louis-Philippe of Orleans, which arose during the July Revolution of 1830. The source base of the article consists of documents of unofficial origin, primarily memoirs, diary entries, journalism, as well as fiction. The article is based on the works of Ch. Remusat, A. Dumas, R. Apponyi, Е. Sue and G. Heine. The article analyzes the reaction of Parisians to the cholera epidemic, the position of the official authorities, and the cholera control measures. The article analyzes the psychological reaction of Parisians to the epidemic and notes the relationship between the cholera epidemic and the growth of social tension in the society and the revitalization of the opposition. This was manifested in rumors about poisoners, which quickly spread in an environment where doctors had little idea about the methods of treatment and infection, in opposition propaganda and calls for violence. As a result, this provoked a republican uprising on July 5-6, 1832. The author also examines the position of the authorities and personally of King Louis-Philippe and his actions during the suppression of the republican uprising. The article concludes that the cholera epidemic and the Republican uprising, as well as the uprising in Vendee under the leadership of Duchess Maria-Caroline of Berry, became a serious test for the regime of the July monarchy (1830-1848).
The article was prepared as part of the research work of the state task of RANEPA.
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