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The plague of 1580s in France: a view from the capital and a view from the provinces

Uvarov Pavel

The evidence of the plague of the early 1580s in Paris and Provins (a town with a population of no more than 10000) may be regarded as complementary. The growth and fall of the disease in Paris is evidenced by the records of Pierre de L’Estoile and a number of other documents. The situation in Provins is illustrated by very informative “Mémoires” of Claude Haton, although not supported by other evidence. The comparison of these sources allows us to highlight a general algorithm for the actions of authorities and the behaviour of citizens: to determine the beginning of the epidemic and to describe the disease; to introduce quarantine measures, isolate patients, provide them with medical care and find sufficient funding; choose between fleeing the plague and performing one’s duty in the city; to establish the end of the epidemic and to calculate the losses. A common feature is the underestimation of the threat of a ‘second wave’ of the epidemic, which turns out to be more severe. Despite the fact that in Paris from 10 to 20% of the population had died from the plague, the metropolitan sources, it seems, were inclined to quickly forget the epidemic. In Provins, the total losses were relatively small (approx. 3%), but their psychological impact seems to be stronger. The mechanisms of the formation of ‘plague teams’ are described. The availability of medical care, even if apparently imperfect, had brought results. In small towns and villages, affected by the plague and deprived of the help of surgeons-barbers, the plague carried away more than half of the inhabitants. Eschatological sentiments and religious exaltation are poorly reflected in the sources, as there are only indirect references. At the same time, the epidemic was perceived through the prism of religious and ethical views: the disease spares virtuous people who honestly perform their duty.

Keywords: Ambroise Paré, Claude Haton, corporation of barber surgeons, epidemic, France, municipal government, Paris, Pierre de L’Estoile, plague, plague barracks, Provins, sixteenth century
Link: Uvarov P. The plague of 1580s in France: a view from the capital and a view from the provinces // Annual of French Studies 2021. Т. 54: Epidemics in the history of France.М. P. 9-42.

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