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The discovery of the already known? About the book of Svetlana Polskaya

Shishkin Vladimir

The reviewing book «The Most Christian king: images of power in representative strategies of the French monarchy (9th – 15th centuries)» by Svetlana A. Polskaya,  is dedicated to the public ceremonies of the French monarchy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Analyzing the ceremonial rulers – ordines – from different historical times, the author tries to show their long and ancient organizational continuity. The translation of sources related to the ceremony of the Royal sacre in Reims cathedral is especially interesting. However, the relevance and novelty of the study need further justification.

Keywords: the King of France, the Royal sacre, Coronation, Hincmar of Reims, Charles V the Wise, Jean Du Tillet, Ceremonial orders
Link: Shishkin V. The discovery of the already known? About the book of Svetlana Polskaya // Annual of French Studies 2019. Т. 52: The era of Napoleon and her memory.М. P. 440-453.