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Revision of history of the Tyrolean uprising of 1809 or microhistorical study? On the book by M. Span

Datsenko Pavel

The author analyses the book Ein Bürger unter Bauern? by an Austrian historian Michael Span, devoted to microhistory reconstruction of the daily life in Stubaital, a Tyrol province, through the biography of its distinguished resident Michael Pfurtscheller who lived in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th century. Analyzing his biography, the author attempts to portray in detail the development of the province in the Napoleon’s era, in particular events of the Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809. M. Span focuses on processes of social and economic evolution of this province during the Sattelzeit in 1750-1850.

Keywords: Michael Pfurtscheller, Sattelzeit, Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809, Andreas Hofer, Napoleonic wars, microhistory, Michael Span, historiography
Link: Datsenko P. Revision of history of the Tyrolean uprising of 1809 or microhistorical study? On the book by M. Span // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 494-503.