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«Russian Paris» during the German occupation 1942–1944 Based on the newspaper «Parizhskij vestnik»

Malova-Gra Galina, Naumova Natalia

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of «Russian Paris» during the German occupation (1940–1944) in the Second World War. It deals on cultural and everyday life of the «Russian Paris». Cross-culture communication of Russian emigration with the German Nazi government in France is explored through the view of the collaborationist newspaper «Parizhskij vestnik» issued by the German occupation authorities in France in 1942–1944. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the influence of German culture on «Russian Paris» was expressed in the attempt to hold a policy of «germination» French and Russian emigrant society through inclusion of the Russian immigrants to German language area, music, sculpture and painting. The political views of the Russian exiles-collaborators in Paris and their socio-economic status are studied.

Keywords: Russian emigration in France, World War II, occupation, collaboration, Vichy regime, de Gaulle, cross-culture communication, Paris
Link: Malova-Gra G., Naumova N. «Russian Paris» during the German occupation 1942–1944 Based on the newspaper «Parizhskij vestnik» // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 357-374.