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Ways to resolute conflicts between the French population and soldiers of the Russian occupation corps. 1815–1818

Bolt Valentina

The article considers ways of reducing the aggression level in relations between the Soldiers of the Russian occupation corps placed in France in 1815–1818, and the civilian population living on the occupied territory. The model of behavior chosen by the corps command presupposed the reduction of pressure on civilians at the domestic level, the rejection of any use of force by the soldiers and the maximum non-interference of both sides in each other's economic activities. It was supposed that this would help maintain a peaceful dialogue "on an equal footing" and would allow to abandon the roles of "winners" and "losers".

Keywords: anthropology of military history, France, Russia, occupation regime of 1815–1818, Russian occupation corps, conflicts
Link: Bolt V. Ways to resolute conflicts between the French population and soldiers of the Russian occupation corps. 1815–1818 // Annual of French Studies 2018. Т. 51: Cross-cultural contacts during foreign occupation.М. P. 205-217.