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«To prohibit the Banquet is to start up the mechanism of the revolution». Review of the monograph by Vincent Robert «The Time of Banquets. Politics and symbolism of one generation (1818-1848)»

Tanshina Natalia

   The author of review analyses the book of French historian Vincent Robert, a professor of the University of Paris 1 Рanthéon – Sorbonne, who tried to examine the origin of the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848, addressing to such an important, but little known page of French political history, as political banquets. As suggested by Robert, without understanding and studying the phenomenon of the Banquet campaign, it is difficult to form an objective understanding of the reasons for these revolutions. A Banquet for Robert was an important socio-cultural phenomenon of French society. It had various functions, its own symbolism and structure and was an integral part of the political culture of France.

Keywords: Banquet campaign, the Restoration, the July monarchy, political culture in France, propertied democracy, July revolution, the revolution of 1848.
Link: Tanshina N. «To prohibit the Banquet is to start up the mechanism of the revolution». Review of the monograph by Vincent Robert «The Time of Banquets. Politics and symbolism of one generation (1818-1848)» // Annual of French Studies 2016. Т. 49: The Popular Insurrections in the Age of the French Revolution and the First Empire.М. P. 355-374.