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Report “On Tarle” by V.M. Daline

Poghosyan Varoujean

   The author offers the readers the publication preserved in the Archives of Russian Academy of Sciences, the shorthand records of the report of V.M. Dalinе «On Tarle» which was presented on the 2nd of February, 1931 at the meeting of the Society of Marxists-Historians. On that day, the extraordinary general meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR excluded S.F. Platonov, E.V. Tarle, N.P. Likhachev and M.K. Liubavski from among its full members accused of the «Academic case» in the plot to the restoration of the monarchy. Dalinе’s report had to politically justify Tarlé’s exclusion from the Academy of Sciences. Dalinе, the representative of the first generation of Marxist-Historians, according to his scientific and political convictions, referred to Tarle as not adhering to Marxist methodology, «one of the authoritative representatives of bourgeois science», «enemy of Soviet Russia», etc. He subjected him to relentless criticism for «Ententophilia» and for the choice of research topics in accordance with the political state conjuncture. Over the years, the attitude of Dalinе towards the work of Tarlé underwent significant changes.

Keywords: E.V. Tarle, V.M. Daline, M.N. Pokrovski, historians, historiography, France, the. French Revolution, the Entente, terrorism, imperialism, the bourgeoisie.
Link: Poghosyan V. Report “On Tarle” by V.M. Daline // Annual of French Studies 2016. Т. 49: The Popular Insurrections in the Age of the French Revolution and the First Empire.М. P. 244-294.