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Synthesis of History and Philosophy in French Revolution Studies: interview with Patrice Gueniffey

Mitrofanov Andrei

   In an interview with the Patrice Gueniffey, one of the leading French scholars of the French Revolution, the Consulate and the Empire, the authors raises the problem of the methodology of contemporary researches on correspondent issues. Following François Furet, M. Guennifey cautions of blind confidence for archival documents. He believes that only the synthesis of philosophy and history can preserve from a methodological “impoverishment” of historiography, save researchers from tunnel vision due to the narrow specialization, and allow regarding events of the past in a broad historical perspective.

Keywords: the French Revolution, historiography, methodology, philosophy.
Link: Mitrofanov A. Synthesis of History and Philosophy in French Revolution Studies: interview with Patrice Gueniffey // Annual of French Studies 2016. Т. 49: The Popular Insurrections in the Age of the French Revolution and the First Empire.М. P. 197-207.