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Le Monde: history of newspaper, newspaper in history

Ovcharenko Elena

   The review is devoted to the monograph «“Le Monde” in the changeable world» (Moscow, 2014) by Lyudmyla Sharonchikova (PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University). The author analyses the history of this well-known French «independent newspaper» from its foundation in 1944, during 70 years. However, in 2010 “Le Monde” lost the status of «newspaper of journalists» and became «business enterprise». In author’s opinion, the survival as «national institution» for Le Monde depends on different aspects of modern «digital era».

Keywords: Le Monde, French media history, L. Sharonchikova.
Link: Ovcharenko E. Le Monde: history of newspaper, newspaper in history // Annuaire d'études françaises 2015. Т. 48: 225ème anniversaire de la Revolution française de 1789 / Annual of French Studies 2015 : 225th Annuversary of the French Revolution.М. P. 439-441.