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Napoleon as he was seen by the Russian Army’s Officers

Ivtchenko Lidia

   The article is dedicated to the perception of Napoleon’s image by the Russian officers during the Napoleonic wars as well as in the period of his abdication and exile. The author analyses the personal correspondence, diaries and memoires of the participants of the military companies 1805-1815.

Keywords: Napoleon’s Russian campaign of 1812, bulletins of the Grande Armée, propaganda, mutual perception of nations, Russian field printing-works.
Link: Ivtchenko L. Napoleon as he was seen by the Russian Army’s Officers // Annuaire d'études françaises 2013. Т. 45: "La campagne russe" de Napoléon : événements, images, mémoire / Annual of French Studies 2013, The Russian campaign of Napoleon : events, images, memory.М. P. 201-223.