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The participation of New Russia elites in the Patriotic war of 1812

Blizniakov Roman

   The author of the article studies on the basis of the archived materials of the Autonomous republic Crimea and row of literature the problem of participation of the Tavrida province in the Patriotic war of 1812. The aspects of forming of folk militia (and the difficulties related to it) are affected, and also money payments of habitants of edge. The special attention is spared the epidemic of plague, unexpectedly blazing up in town of Feodosia and his environs. An author examines measures, undertaken a province government for liquidation of epidemy.

Keywords: history, New Russia, the Patriotic war of 1812.
Link: Blizniakov R. The participation of New Russia elites in the Patriotic war of 1812 // Annuaire d'études françaises 2013. Т. 45: "La campagne russe" de Napoléon : événements, images, mémoire / Annual of French Studies 2013, The Russian campaign of Napoleon : events, images, memory.М. P. 93-100.