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Perception of French Emigration in 1790s in the Habsburg Monarchy

Ragozin German

The paper deals with issue of correlation between “another” image dynamics and Habsburg state policy towards French immigration in the Revolution era. The following sources became a subject to analysis: official correspondence, French problem conference minutes, publications in Wiener Zeitung and Wiener Zeitschrift. The Habsburg policy towards French emigrants and making their image in Habsburg possession and the Holy Roman Empire tapped into “resistance against revolution”. It made an impact on struggle against French revolution and public unrest. The original image including patterns of “refugee” and “ally” was aimed to include the emigrants into Habsburg and German political courses. Nonetheless the joint strategy did not come into force, what made the failure of the Bourbon restoration in France possible in combination with other factors. The early maneuvers have also shown the lack of understanding between chancellor office and military command of the Habsburg empire. Perturbations in the Habsburg chancellor office, accession of Francis II as the emperor and defeats suffered during the autumn campaign of 1792 became the ground for turning the policy towards emigrants and making their image. Closure of the issue became a subject to discussion since the new chancellor baron von Tugut admitted that the Habsburg expectations on the role of emigrants in struggle against the revolution did not meet with the reality. It happened in the same period, when the clericalist and antirevolutionary ideas started to dominate in the Habsburg possessions.

Keywords: history of Austria, the Habsburg monarchy, French Revolution, emigration, refugees, Louis XVIII
Link: Ragozin G. Perception of French Emigration in 1790s in the Habsburg Monarchy // Annual of French Studies 2022. Т. 55: The French outside of France.М. P. 46-62.

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